(Great Ocean Road)
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3晚3星或以上住宿, 中文导游。
● 在芒特甘比尔城(Mt. Gambier)感受蓝湖的魅力,拜访宁静的陷坑花园。
● 途径南澳大利亚的葡萄酒主产区库纳瓦拉酿酒区(Coonawarra Wine Region),在这里可以品尝到地道的本土酒。
● 到大洋路, 沿着崎岖的被当地人称“大沥青海蛇”的沿海公路行驶, 尽享大自然的壮丽。
● 进入坎贝尔港国家公园 (Port Campbell National Park), 我们开始探询海岸奇石之旅,十二门徒石(Twelve Apostles)是公认的澳大利亚地标之一;还有群岛湾(Bay of island)伦敦桥(London Bridge),“阿德湖”号峡谷(loch Ard Gorge)等美景。
● 阿波罗港: 来到这个依山靠海的小镇仿佛进入了世外桃源。 在这里观看日出,让您的身心格外的放松。
● 沿海特色小镇—洛恩(Lorne)是最受欢迎的疗养城市,沿线的餐馆,咖啡店和商店,很具有当地特色。
● 基隆港(Geelong): 来到这个现代化城镇,感受墨尔本之旅的第一站。
● 墨尔本城市游,游览墨尔本的标志性的景观,城中之河雅若河、联邦广场、中国城、 步行街和皇冠大赌场等。
* 可以根据客户需求从墨尔本发车至阿德莱德。
Terms and Conditions
MJ Tours & Charters reserves the right to alter and change prices, alter its itinerary, refuse boarding at its discretion and is not responsible for personal belongings, any losses or expenses due to delay or changes of schedule, default of any third parties or any other cause beyond its control. Travel insurance is recommended. No smoking or alcohol is permitted on board; seat belt must be on at all times. Cancellation conditions may apply with less than 7 days before departure. No refunds will be made for services not availed once travel has commenced. Minimum bookings required for tour to operate.